Tuesday 2 June 2015

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Communication

The world of technology has been rapidly changing as the years have gone by.

Children as young as the ages of 6 to 13 have as well as know how to use iPads and iPods! I think it's mind-blowing how our children today are growing up with these technological advancements surrounding them in their childhood.  Growing up, I read books, played board games and went to the park. If you look at our children today, many are cooped up in their rooms playing video games or glued to their Smartphone. I am not too sure what this has in store for the future, however I do believe Artificial Intelligence will play a vital role in the new developments in technology. My mom always reminds me of how lucky I am to have the devices I own. When she was my age, the cell phones weren't able to fit in pockets and they had long antennas attached to them- they also didn't have Wi-Fi, which now, people cannot live 5 minutes without. The new advancements in technology today, like Google Glasses and self-driving cars, really spark my curiosity. These types of advancements make me think about how dependant society is becoming on technology. Self-driving cars? In my opinion, it actually frightens me a bit. On the roads, things may happen that drivers might not be prepared for. With self-driving cars, I feel you wouldn’t have as much control in the car compared to if you were to be driving.  As for Google Glasses, I don’t find them particularly necessary right now, but it must be what the future will look like. Google Glass displays information in a Smartphone-like hands-free format. Wearers communicate with the Internet via natural language voice commands. We already have smartphones (even watches!), that can do just as much as a computer can, and now digital glasses! I believe AI will be the future of communication even if it sounds unnecessary right now. 


  1. It is true that we grew up reading books, going to the park, playing board games, and now children grow up to many technological advancements. I really liked the fact you pointed that out because it just shows how the world is changing and evolving into a technology based world. I also agree that we are becoming more dependent on technology because of how much easier and pleasant technology can bring.

  2. It is true that we grew up reading books, going to the park, playing board games, and now children grow up to many technological advancements. I really liked the fact you pointed that out because it just shows how the world is changing and evolving into a technology based world. I also agree that we are becoming more dependent on technology because of how much easier and pleasant technology can bring.
